About Wargrave Youth Theatre
Wargrave Theatre has been operating highly successful Junior and Youth Groups for many years, usually presenting one full-scale production a year.
Wargrave Youth Theatre runs two classes each Wednesday evening for around 30 children.
There are three ten week terms a year with sessions held in The Green Room, Woodclyffe Hostel, Church Street, Wargrave. The groups are:
- Juniors (Years 4 to 7): 5pm – 6pm
- Seniors (Years 8 to 11): 6pm – 7.15pm
Chez Annetts has been involved with WYT for over 30 years, since attending herself in the early 1990s! After a brief break in 2019 to train as a teacher, she is now back running both groups.
Look on the WYT What’s On page to find out what our young members will be putting on next.
If you have any enquiries about WYT, please contact Chez at chezannetts@btinternet.com.