October 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to our latest newsletter.  You may have noticed that quite a lot has been happening in WTW in recent months, so we thought you would find it helpful to catch up on all our latest news in one place.

As you will see from the first article below by Ann Roberts, there is a good deal of uncertainty whether our normal performance venue – the Woodclyffe Hall – will be available over the coming months, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that all will be well.  It may be possible to stage some productions elsewhere, but we will let you know what is happening as soon as we find out.


Laying the Ghost by Simon Williams

I am sure many of you are wondering why you have not yet received any information regarding ticket sales for this production, which should have taken place at the end of October. It had been cast and rehearsals started, although not fully blocked, but then our troubles began. 

We were advised in mid-August by the Parish Council that, as the result of a report, the Woodclyffe Hall had to be completely re-roofed.  Work was planned to start within a couple of weeks and it was hoped would be completed by the 12th October when we were due to take over the Hall for set-building, although it was by no means certain as weather and `unknown nasties’ could intervene. 

Sure enough, those `unknown nasties’ duly reared their ugly head in the form of a bat survey being required before any work could commence, in spite of the fact that zero evidence of bat activity has been seen or found in the roof.  However, that survey, in the form of cameras, infra-red and sound recordings, cannot be carried out until the roosting season – May to August – so the roofing work was put on hold. 

Damage had also been found inside the building, where some ceiling plaster had become detached from the laths.  That has now rectified, but more recently, tiles and guttering have fallen from the roof into the driveway of the Hall, making the roof repairs now more urgent, so we are awaiting an update sometime later in October. Meanwhile, the Hall remains closed for public use.

As if that wasn’t enough of an uncertainty regarding the production, as Director, I then had to make a very (literally) painful decision to postpone the production following a slip I had the shower which damaged my back, resulting in me being unable to climb all the stairs up to the Green Room, or drive, to rehearsals.  The play was not at a stage where someone else could be asked to take over, so the decision was reluctantly made to postpone. 

But all is not lost! Laying the Ghost is now planned as our Spring production, from Wednesday, 29th March to Saturday, 1st April 2023.  Please make a note in your diaries – tickets will go on sale in the New Year.

Ann Roberts 0118 94026256 annroberts189@btinternet.com

OUR IMPROVISED PLAY by Clive Dow and Graham Wheal

On Thursday 28th September, we had our introductory meeting to explain more about the

idea to create an improvised play using input from a group of WTW members. Graham Wheal (who will write the play) and myself were really pleased with the level of interest from the large number who turned up to hear more about the idea.

We explained that the play would follow the fortunes of a group of more mature women as they try to find a new partner in an environment where the dating game is so very different!

It was clear from the comments people made and some initial work on improvising one scene that this is idea has a huge amount of potential for a funny, poignant, and touching script. Some hilarious proposals for visual and verbal humour have already emerged! Graham and I captured a host of suggestions and anecdotes that we hope can be incorporated into the script.

We agreed to meet again each Thursday at 8pm in the Green Room to try to create improvised scenes for the majority of the play. We would encourage anyone else who would like to get involved to come along and we will make sure you are told what we are planning and how it works. It is not necessary to commit to every Thursday, as long as we have a big enough group to work with.

If you fancy doing some improvisation sessions but are not sure about actually acting in the play, that is fine. Once the play has been written we will arrange a reading, hold auditions, and appoint a cast.

Work on this project will pause for the pantomime and the Spring production next year with the aim of presenting the performances in Autumn 2023.

We are very much looking forward creating this new play, with the combined talents of the group.

Do call or e-mail me for further details if you are interested in joining us.

Clive Dow 07711 785846 clive@clivedow.co.uk


From 8th to 10th December, we are planning to present Last Tango in Little Grimley by David Tristram, the prequel to Lockdown in Little Grimley, which you will recall was our first production in the Woodclyffe Hall after coming out of the COVID lockdown. This will involve the four original actors and will be supported by Hey Santa, Remember Me? by Trevor Suthers, which never quite made it to the stage back in 2020 thanks to COVID.

We are also looking for a third short piece to complete a full night of entertainment, so if anyone is interested in directing, acting, or otherwise being involved, please contact me.

We aim to keep this production simple, with a minimal set, so it could be presented in an alternative venue should Woodclyffe Hall remain unavailable (see first article). This production is designed not to clash in any way with early preparations for the pantomime, readings, and auditions for which start on 27th October (see next article).

Look out for further information, which we will promote widely.

Joy Haynes 07876 532716 mjoypep43@gmail.com


Seen any rats lately? Well help is at hand. Wargrave’s January pantomime will be The Pied Piper by Alan P Frayn.

We will be holding a reading and introduction to The Pied Piper in the Green Room, at the top of the Woodclyffe Hostel, on Thursday 27th October 8pm. This is open to adult members and non-members over 16, so let your friends and family know, if they fancy getting involved.

This is a fun evening and is not a panto commitment but a chance to see the script, decide what parts you might like to audition for, and listen to the proposed music.

This is followed by two audition dates:  the main one on Sunday 30th October at 7pm and call-back and mop up auditions on Thursday 3rd November at 8pm. Rehearsals will be on Sundays and Thursdays, with the possibility of Tuesdays in January.

The pantomime performance dates are Wednesday 25th to Sunday 29th January (including matinees on Saturday and Sunday), with dress rehearsals on Sunday 22nd and Tuesday 24th.

We are always looking for people to help behind the scenes. This year we are particularly in need of help with set painting and with costumes. If you feel that you would like to get involved, please let me know. Do come along to the reading; it’s not just for potential


If you wish to register your interest or ask any questions, please email me.

Linda Daman Linda.daman@btinternet.com


The new term started on Wednesday 21st September and will run for 10 weeks with a one week break for half term.   Amy Horton, who has been running the groups since just before COVID struck, is currently appearing in a touring production which runs until the end of November.  So, once again, Chez Annetts has stepped in and following her highly successful production of A Fifty Minute As You Like It as part of Wargrave Festival, will be running all three groups. 

All members of the Junior and Intermediate Groups are excited to be taking part in the pantomime The Pied Piper and will be rehearsing at their meetings.  They will be divided into three groups and each group will appear in two performances.  A brilliant start to their acting experience.  

The Senior group are going to be working on a script of Cinderella. This is more ambitious and will give them a wider range of experience, as they are divided into two groups and each group will be casting, directing and costuming their own version. 

Ann Roberts


We extend a warm welcome to new members Asia Petrie and Jennifer Curtis and we look forward to seeing them at our upcoming events.

A few members have not yet renewed their subscriptions for the coming year. Please do so soon, otherwise you will stop getting these lovely WTW emails and you won’t be able to buy your show tickets early! You can renew on Membermojo at the press of a button here.

Newsletter compiled and edited by Henry Marchant